Booking is available only to patrons with an active QNL membership.   

User Information

First Child
Type of disability if exists
Second Child
Type of disability if exists
Third child
Type of disability if exists
Rooms Information

Terms and Conditions
for the Use of Study Rooms

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before signing:

  • Please be sure you come on time, as after 20 minutes of no show, your booking will be cancelled. 
  • The rooms cannot be used for any kind of for-profit activities such as paid training courses or similar activities. The Library reserves the right to ask users to leave the room if we discover that it is used in such a way.
  • Please be sure your account is clear of any overdue items or fines or you will not be allowed to use the study rooms.
  • Smoking is not permitted.
  • Be courteous to others and make sure the room is ready to use for the next visitor.
  • Please report any broken equipment or furniture or heating and cooling issues to the User Services Desk. Please do not adjust thermostats in the rooms.
  • Please talk quietly to avoid disturbing others. Rooms are not soundproof, and loud conversations can be heard in the main reading areas.
  • Be sure to take all your personal belongings with you when you leave the room. The Library is not liable for the theft or loss of any personal items.
  • Please note that you will be held responsible for any damage to equipment, furniture or the room itself during your reservation.
  • Please vacate study rooms 15 minutes before the building closes.
  • Rooms will be open at 8:00 AM and close by 7:45 PM.
  • Please respect the maximum capacity per room as stated on the website.
  • You are responsible for returning the key to the staff desk in the bridge area.
  • You may be asked to leave the Library if any inappropriate behavior occurs. Failure to comply with this request will result in asking Library security to resolve the issue.
  • The Library’s User Services staff reserves the right to enter all study rooms as needed.
  • These regulations are subject to change. Their interpretation is at the discretion of the User Services staff.

Violations of Room Use Policies

Individuals or groups found to be in violation of the above policies may be asked to vacate the room. Repeated or serious violations may result in being temporarily or permanently blocked from booking the study rooms at the Library.


Innovation Station Rooms and Equipment Usage Agreement

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before submitting you request:

  • I understand that the use of Innovation Station rooms is governed by procedures denoting specific times and manner of use, to which users must comply. Qatar National Library reserves the right to revoke the room privileges at any time, and reserves the right to cancel any scheduled event over any concerns related to safety, utility or disruption of library operations.
  • I understand that the Innovation Station rooms must not be used for public events or private classes conducted by an outside party, whether paid or free.
  • I agree to pay for repairs or replacement of equipment in case of damage or loss if deemed damaged during my scheduled time of use.
  • I agree to return all equipment to its original place and to keep the room clean and tidy.
  • I understand that equipment from the Innovation Station must not be used outside the designated space.
  • I agree to keep the door closed but unlocked at all times for safety reasons and to keep the noise at a moderate level.
  • I understand that Qatar National Library has the right to suspend my membership should I fail to follow this usage agreement.


Sensory Room Usage Agreement

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before submitting you request:

  • I acknowledge that the use of the Sensory Room is subject to specific guidelines regarding its scheduled times and proper usage, which must be adhered to at all times. Qatar National Library reserves the right to revoke access or cancel any booking if concerns arise regarding safety, misuse, or disruptions to Library operations.
  • I understand that the Sensory Room must not be used for public events or private sessions conducted by external parties, whether paid or free.
  • I agree to pay for repairs or replacement of any equipment in case of damage or loss if deemed to have been damaged during my scheduled time of use.
  • I agree to return all equipment to its original place and ensure that the Sensory Room is clean and tidy after use.
  • I understand that equipment from the Sensory Room must not be removed or used outside the designated space.
  • I agree to keep the door closed and to maintain noise at a moderate level to ensure a calm environment.
  • Parent or caregiver supervision is always required inside the room.
  • I understand that Qatar National Library has the right to suspend my membership should I fail to adhere to this usage agreement.