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Equipped with editing software like Adobe Creative Cloud suite and 3D modeling software. Maximum capacity is 6.
Equipped with musical instruments and production software & tools. Maximum capacity is 4.
Equipped with lighting kits, camera and green screen. Capacity is 3.
The Sensory Room is specially designed to combine a range of stimuli for children and adults with special needs. It can help those who have learning difficulties, developmental disabilities or sensory impairments learn to interact with the world around them in a safe environment, building their confidence and ability.
The Sensory Room is also available for children from birth up to a maximum age of three years to develop and engage their senses. Parents or carers should stay with users of the room at all times.
13 square meters in size; has seating and power sockets
13 square meters in size; has presentation, TV screen, mdia server and technician page.
28 square meters in size; 6 users maximum; has presentation, TV screen, mdia server and technician page
Individuals or groups found to be in violation of the above policies may be asked to vacate the room. Repeated or serious violations may result in being temporarily or permanently blocked from booking the study rooms at the Library.