• 1 Current User Data
  • 2 Attachments
  • 3 Complete
Passwords should be between 8 and 12 characters. It should contain at least one lowercase letter and one number.
All communication from the Library will be in this language.
  • Accept full responsibility for all activities and transactions relating to my membership card
  • Report the loss of my membership card immediately to the Library
  • Take responsibility for any transactions made by others using my card
  • Return all materials borrowed by the due date
  • Pay all charges and fees, when applicable
  • Not cut, tear, deface, mutilate, damage or deliberately retain any library materials
  • Act immediately upon receiving recall and overdue notices; as a member, I am blocked from borrowing any new materials until overdue items are returned, renewed or replacement costs are assessed and fines are paid
  • Pay a fine of 20 QR per day for DVDs and kits overdue by 15 days, even if I did not receive or read the overdue notifications
  • Pay a fine of 100 QR per item overdue by 60 days (after due date mentioned in my receipt and my Library account), even if I did not receive or read the overdue notifications

For more information, please see our Membership and Circulation Policy here.